Easy Science Experiments


Shrinkies - Shrinking Recycled Plastic Artwork

Shrinkies are a fun and creative way to repurpose plastic that might otherwise end up in a landfill. You can create awesome keepsakes using most […]

Melting Packaging Peanuts - Polystyrene Science

They seem to magically “disappear.” In fact, the Styrofoam reacts with the solvent to reveal the fact that Styrofoam is made up of long strands […]

Slime Art

We all know that playing with slime is one of the best things in the world.  But, what do you do when you’re done.  You […]

Homemade Hand Warmer

If you’ve been outdoors when it’s really cold, there’s a good chance you’ve either used these yourself or wished you had. You can experience a […]

Magnetic Slime

There’s a good chance you’ve (1) already worked with magnets and (2) made slime many times. It’s a good bet you haven’t done it at the same time, […]

Better Than Glue Slime - It's Shaker Slime

Making slime is super easy if you know the secret recipe. Too much or too little of either solution and you’ll get something that looks […]

Rainbow Snow

We’ll admit, we take a little bit of offense when someone says, “Snow only comes in white.” Apparently, they’ve never seen the Rainbow Snow activity.

Edible Slime

Slime is a staple of Halloween, chemistry, and science, in general. What could be better than stretching a glob of goo between your hands or […]

Balloon Skewer

Some things in this world just don’t mix—dogs and cats, oil and water, needles and balloons. Everyone knows that a balloon’s worst fear is a […]

The Leakproof Bag

Who would have ever thought that a plastic bag, some water, and a few pencils would have adults screaming with fear? learn how to poke […]

DIY Slime - The Real Recipe

It’s one of our most frequently asked questions… How do you make real slime? Ask any special effects artist about slime and you’re sure to […]

How to Make Slime - Elmer's Glue Recipes

Expert slime makers agree that Elmer’s glue makes the best DIY slime. However, there are some tricky variations that can turn your slime from just […]

Oil Spill Polymer

Imagine a simple way to clean up an oil spill: A small amount of a non-toxic powder is sprinkled onto the spreading oil. In seconds, the powder collects the oil and forms […]

Insta-Snow - Erupting Snow Polymer

You won’t believe your eyes. Just add water to the Insta-Snow powder and watch as the liquid magically changes into fluffy snow. This realistic looking […]

Gravi-Goo: A Self-Siphoning Gel

When a small amount of Polyox (polyethylene oxide) is mixed with water, it dissolves, forming a thick, slippery, gooey, mucous-like gel. Oh, the visual imagery! […]

The Baby Diaper Secret

If you’ve ever changed a diaper and noticed what looked like tiny crystals on the baby’s skin, you’ve uncovered the secret of superabsorbent, disposable diapers. […]

Footprints in the Snow

If you’re dreaming of a Winter Wonderland but you’re stuck in the middle of the desert this winter, then Insta-Snow is the perfect choice. Or, […]

DIY Slime - Slime Party

Welcome to make-the-best-slime-in-the-world boot camp with a spooky Halloween twist. Ask any special effects artist about slime and you’re sure to hear the term polyvinyl […]

Glacier GAK

If you’re old enough to remember Silly Putty, you may remember what it felt like to roll it up into a ball in your hand. […]

Teflon Tape Secret Message

We love polymers at Steve Spangler Science, but we aren’t the only ones. Did you know that plumbers use special polymers almost every day? It’s […]